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/ わん : n 1)Japanese soup bowl 2)wooden bowl P
/ いばら / おどろ / とげ : n 1 1)thorny shrub 2 2)wild rose 3)briar 3 4)thorn 4 5)(architectural) cusp adj-na n 6)briars 7)thicket 8)the bush n 1 9)thorn 10)spine 11)prickle 2 12)splinter (esp. lodged in one's flesh) 13)hard sharp item (esp. lodged in one's throat, e.g. fish bone) 3 14)biting words P
/ たな : n 1 1)shelf 2)shelves 3)ledge 4)rack 2 5)trellis P
/ とう / むね : n 1 1)large building 2)building with a long roof suf 2 3)counter for buildings, apartments, etc. n 1 4)ridge (of roof) 2 5)back of a sword suf 3 6)counter for buildings, apartments, etc. P
/ もり : n 1 1)forest 2 2)shrine grove P
/ さお : n 1 1)rod 2)pole 2 3)neck (of a shamisen, etc.) 4)shamisen 3 5)beam (i.e. the crossbar of a balance) 4 6)single line (esp. as a flying formation for geese) 5 sl 7)penis 6 8)(ctr) counter for flags (on poles) 9)counter for long, thin Japanese sweets (e.g. youkan)
/ かん / ひつぎ : n 1)coffin 2)casket P
椀盛 / わんもり : n ktb: 1)food cooked by boiling or stewing

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