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満期日 / まんきじつ / まんきび : n 1)due date 2)date of maturity 3)expiration date 4)date of expiry
満期 / まんき : n adj-no 1)expiration (of a term) 2)maturity (e.g. investment) P
満引き / みちひき : n 1)ebb and flow
満床 / まんしょう : n 1)all beds occupied (hospital) 2)no beds (hospital) 3)no vacancy
満年齢 / まんねんれい : n 1)age (expressed in the Western style of counting fully completed years)
満干 / まんかん / みちひ : n 1)ebb and flow
満幅 / まんぷく : n 1)full
満席 / まんせき : n adj-no 1)full house 2)all seats occupied 3)fully occupied P

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