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甘く見る / あまくみる : v1 1)to not take seriously 2)to take lightly
甘くやる / うまくやる : iK exp v5r uk 1)to manage something successfully 2)to be successful
甘んずる / あまんずる : vi 1)to content oneself with 2)to be resigned to (one's fate) 3)to be contented (satisfied) with (one's lot)
甘んじる / あまんじる : v1 vi 1)to content oneself with 2)to be resigned to (one's fate) 3)to be contented (satisfied) with (one's lot)
甘える / あまえる : v1 vi 1 1)to behave like a spoiled child 2)to behave like a spoilt child 3)to fawn on 2 4)to take advantage of 5)to presume upon (e.g. another's benevolence) 6)to depend on P
甘味所 / あまみどころ / かんみどころ : n 1)cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets
甘味料 / かんみりょう : n 1)sweeteners 2)sweetening materials P
甘噛み / あまかみ / あまがみ : n vs 1)play-biting

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