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自由気まま / じゆうきまま : n adj-na 1)free 2)unfettered 3)according to one's own whims 4)doing as one likes
自由気儘 / じゆうきまま : n adj-na 1)free 2)unfettered 3)according to one's own whims 4)doing as one likes
自由民権論 / じゆうみんけんろん : n 1)(early Meiji era) democratic rights ideology
自由業 / じゆうぎょう : n 1)self-employed profession (e.g. actor, artist) 2)liberal profession
自由曲線 / じゆうきょくせん : n 1)(comp) freeform curve
自由時間 / じゆうじかん : n 1)free time 2)time at leisure
自由放題 / じゆうほうだい : n 1)as freely as one pleases 2)at will 3)to one' heart's content
自由放任 / じゆうほうにん : n adj-no 1)laissez-faire 2)non-intervention

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