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貪り読む / むさぼりよむ : v5m 1)to read avidly
貪り食う / むさぼりくう : v5u vt 1)to devour greedily 2)to wolf down 3)to gobble up
貪瞋癡 / とんじんち : oK n 1)(Buddh) the three kilesas that poison the heart of man (greed, hatred and delusi...
責め苛む / せめさいなむ : v5m vt 1)to torture 2)to persecute 3)to excruciate
貪食細胞 / どんしょくさいぼう : 1)phagocyte 2)macrophage
貪食性 / どんしょくせい : 1)phagocytosis 2)phagocytotic
貪食 / どんしょく : 1)phagocytosis 2)phagocytotic (vs)
貪瞋痴 / とんじんち : n 1)(Buddh) the three kilesas that poison the heart of man (greed, hatred and delusi...

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