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鍾乳洞 / しょうにゅうどう : n 1)limestone cave 2)limestone cavern 3)limestone grotto P
鍾乳体 / しょうにゅうたい : n 1)(bot) cystolith
鍾乳石 / しょうにゅうせき : n 1)stalactite
鍾き / しょうき : n 1 1)Shoki the Plague-Queller 2)Zhong Kui (traditional Chinese deity said to prevent plagues and ward off evil b... 3)vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings, and reputedly able to command 80,000 demon... 2 4)Shoki (WWII fighter aircraft)
鍾馗散 / しょうきさん : n arch 1)traditional Chinese cold remedy (a medical powder with antipyretic and diaphoret...
鍾馗蘭 / しょうきらん : n 1 uk 1)Yoania japonica (species of orchid) 2 uk 2)Lycoris traubii (species of spider lily)
鍾馗 / しょうき : n 1 1)Shoki the Plague-Queller 2)Zhong Kui (traditional Chinese deity said to prevent plagues and ward off evil b... 3)vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings, and reputedly able to command 80,000 demon... 2 4)Shoki (WWII fighter aircraft)
鎮咳剤 / ちんがいざい : 1)antitussive drug 2)antitussive agent

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