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其れ共 / それとも : conj uk 1)or 2)or else P
それも : conj 1)and in addition to that
それとて : conj 1)even so 2)even that
其れと / それと : conj uk 1)and then 2)even so 3)and
其れでも / それでも : conj uk 1)but (still) 2)and yet 3)nevertheless 4)even so 5)notwithstanding P
それ見ろ / それみろ : exp 1)Well, look at that... (used when someone ignores your advice and ultimately fail...
それこそ : exp 1)degree or extent (of effect or result)
其れ切り / それきり / それぎり : n adv uk 1)with that 2)on that note 3)altogether 4)ending at that point 5)cut off there
それ切り / それきり / それぎり : n adv uk 1)with that 2)on that note 3)altogether 4)ending at that point 5)cut off there

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