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そんな : adj-pn 1)such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood ... 2)like that 3)that sort of P
損保 / そんぽ : n abbr 1)damage insurance
尊師 / そんし : n 1)holy master 2)guru
孫子 / そんし / まごこ : n 1 hon 1)Sun Tzu (Chinese military strategist, 544?-496 BCE) 2 2)The Art of War (military text by Sun Tzu, 512 BC) 3 3)Sun Bin Bing Fa (military text by Sun Bin) n 4)children and grandchildren 5)posterity 6)descendants
樽俎 / そんそ : n 1)(eating or drinking) party
存置 / そんち : n vs 1)maintain 2)retain 3)continue
そんで : conj col 1)and 2)thereupon 3)because of that
損じ / そんじ : n 1)slip 2)error 3)failure

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