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漬け菜 / つけな : n 1)pickled greens
付け鼻 / つけばな : n 1)false nose 2)artificial nose
つけ毛 / つけげ : n 1)hairpiece 2)hair filler 3)artificial hair 4)wig
附け / つけ : n 1 1)bill 2)bill of sale 3)payment invoice 2 4)tab (for later payment) 5)credit 3 uk 6)contact move (in go) 7)direct attack to an enemy stone 4 uk 8)sound effect produced by striking with clappers a wooden board in kabuki 5 arch 9)letter 6 arch 10)reason 11)motive 12)pretext arch 13)(7) one's fortune 14)one's luck
付け / つけ / づけ : n 1 1)bill 2)bill of sale 3)payment invoice 2 4)tab (for later payment) 5)credit 3 uk 6)contact move (in go) 7)direct attack to an enemy stone 4 uk 8)sound effect produced by striking with clappers a wooden board in kabuki 5 arch 9)letter 6 arch 10)reason 11)motive 12)pretext arch 13)(7) one's fortune 14)one's luck P n-suf pref suf 15)dated 16)date 17)fixed 18)external
付け火 / つけび : n 1)incendiarism
つけ根 / つけね : n 1)root 2)joint 3)base 4)crotch
付け根 / つけね : n 1)root 2)joint 3)base 4)crotch P
附根 / つけね : n 1)root 2)joint 3)base 4)crotch
付け値 / つけね : n 1)the bid 2)the offer
付根 / つけね : n 1)root 2)joint 3)base 4)crotch
附け根 / つけね : n 1)root 2)joint 3)base 4)crotch
付値 / つけね : n 1)the bid 2)the offer

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