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ノナ / のな : 1)nona (pref)
野辺 / のべ : n 1)field
延べ / のべ : n 1 1)futures 2 2)credit (buying) 3 3)stretching pref 4 4)total (preceding counter, unit, etc.) 5)aggregate 6)gross P
ノブ / のぶ : 1)knob
野火 / のび : n 1)burning off the fields
伸び / のび : n vs 1 1)growth 2)development 2 3)stretching (e.g. body when waking up) 3 4)spread 5)elongation 6)extension 7)carry (e.g. of sound) 8)sustain P
延び / のび : n vs 1 1)growth 2)development 2 3)stretching (e.g. body when waking up) 3 4)spread 5)elongation 6)extension 7)carry (e.g. of sound) 8)sustain
のに : 1 1)(prt) although 2)when 3)and yet 4)despite this 5)in spite of 6)even though 7)but even so 8)but even then 9)however 10)nevertheless 11)for all that 12)notwithstanding that 2 13)while 3 14)if only 15)I wish 4 16)I tell you 17)you should do 5 18)in order to P

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