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已むに已まれず / やむにやまれず : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
止むに止まれず / やむにやまれず : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
已むに已まれぬ / やむにやまれぬ : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
止むに止まれぬ / やむにやまれぬ : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
止むに止まれない / やむにやまれない : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
已むに已まれない / やむにやまれない : exp 1)without being able to help oneself 2)against one's will 3)compelling 4)pressing 5)irresistible
やむ得ず / やむえず : adv uk 1)unavoidably 2)inevitably 3)necessarily 4)reluctantly 5)against one's will
止む得ず / やむえず : adv uk 1)unavoidably 2)inevitably 3)necessarily 4)reluctantly 5)against one's will
已む得ず / やむえず : adv uk 1)unavoidably 2)inevitably 3)necessarily 4)reluctantly 5)against one's will

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