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別け / わけ : n n-suf 1 1)sharing 2)division 2 3)draw 4)tie
分け / わけ : n n-suf 1 1)sharing 2)division 2 3)draw 4)tie P
戯奴 / わけ : n 1 arch hum 1)me 2 fam 2)you
/ やく / わけ : n 1)translation 2)version (e.g. "English version") n uk 3)conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or h... 4)reason 5)cause 6)meaning 7)circumstances 8)situation P
理由 / りゆう / わけ : n 1)reason 2)pretext 3)motive P ik n 4)reason
/ べち / べつ / わけ : ok adj-no adj-na n n-suf 1)distinction 2)difference 3)different 4)another 5)particular 6)separate 7)extra 8)exception adj-no adj-na n n-suf 9)distinction P n arch 10)lord (hereditary title for imperial descendants in outlying regions)
輪差 / わさ : n 1)a loop 2)a trap
和解 / わかい / わげ : n vs adj-no 1 1)reconciliation 2)settlement 3)accommodation 4)compromise 5)mediation 6)rapprochement 2 7)(law) settlement 3 arch 8)translation of a foreign language into Japanese P 2 arch 9)translation of a foreign language into Japanese

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