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中止 / ちゅうし : 1)discontinuation 2)stop 3)withdrawal 4)discontinuance 5)discontinue 6)withdraw (vs)
中止法 / ちゅうしほう : n 1)grammatical rule allowing the usage of the continuative form as a conjunction
中核 / ちゅうかく : n 1)(comp) kernel 2)core 3)nucleus 4)resident control program P
中栓 / なかせん : n 1)inner plug for a bottle, prevents leaks and is often covered by a cap.
中柱 / なかばしら : n 1)middle pillar
中柄 / ちゅうがら : n 1)medium size 2)medium pattern 3)medium stature
中皿 / ちゅうざら : n 1)medium-sized dish
中盤 / ちゅうばん : n-adv n 1)middle (stage) P

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