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仕様 / しよう : n 1 1)way 2)method 3)means 4)resource 5)remedy 2 6)(technical) specification P
仕入 / しいれ : n 1)stocking 2)buying up
仕所 / しどころ : n 1)appropriate time to do (something) 2)occasion when (something) must be done
仕手 / して : n 1 1)doer 2)performer 2 uk 3)protagonist (in noh or kyogen) 4)hero 5)leading part 6)main character 3 7)speculator (in trading) P
仕覆 / しふく : n 1)silk pouch with drawstring for holding a tea caddy (tea ceremony)
仕草 / しぐさ : n 1)action 2)acting 3)gesture 4)bearing 5)treatment 6)behavior 7)behaviour P
仕掛 / しかけ : n 1)device 2)contrivance 3)trick 4)mechanism 5)gadget 6)(small) scale 7)half finished 8)commencement 9)set up 10)challenge 11)attack
仕舞 / しまい / じまい : n 1 1)end 2)close 3)finish 4)termination 2 5)noh dance in plain clothes suf 1 uk 6)ending 7)quitting 8)closing 2 uk 9)indicates disappointment for not having done what one wanted or intended to do

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