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処刑 / しょけい : n vs 1)execution P
処刑場 / しょけいじょう : n 1)place of execution 2)execution site
処暑 / しょしょ : n 1)"limit of heat" solar term (approx. Aug. 23, when the weather is said to start c...
処遇 / しょぐう : n vs 1)treatment 2)dealing with P
処世 / しょせい : n 1)conduct
処罰 / しょばつ : n vs 1)punishment P
処決 / しょけつ : n vs 1)settlement 2)decision
処置 / しょち : 1)treatment 2)manipulation 3)measure 4)intervention 5)treat 6)manipulate (vs)

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