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分かる / わかる : v5r vi 1 1)to be understood 2)to be comprehended 3)to be grasped 2 4)to become clear 5)to be known 6)to be discovered 7)to be realized 8)to be realised 9)to be found out P
分る / わかる : v5r vi 1 1)to be understood 2)to be comprehended 3)to be grasped 2 4)to become clear 5)to be known 6)to be discovered 7)to be realized 8)to be realised 9)to be found out
分かつ / わかつ : v5t vt 1 1)to divide 2)to separate 2 3)to share 4)to distribute 3 5)to distinguish P
分かり / わかり : n 1)understanding 2)comprehension P
分かち / わかち : n 1)distinction 2)differentiation 3)discrimination P
分かれ / わかれ : n 1)offshoot 2)branch 3)fork
分かれる / わかれる : v1 vi 1 1)to branch 2)to fork 3)to diverge 2 4)to separate 5)to split 6)to divide 3 7)to disperse 8)to scatter P
分かず / わかず : adv 1)without differentiation

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