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午前 / ごぜん : n-adv n-t 1)morning 2)a.m. P
午前様 / ごぜんさま : exp n 1)coming home after midnight 2)person who comes home after midnight
午前中 / ごぜんちゅう : n 1)this morning 2)in the morning 3)throughout the morning
午刻 / ごこく : n 1)noon
午後 / ごご : n-adv n-t 1)afternoon 2)p.m. P
/ うま / ひる : n 1)seventh sign of Chinese zodiac (The Horse, 11am-1pm, south, May) P n-adv n-t 2)noon 3)midday
午睡 / ごすい : n vs 1)nap 2)siesta
午砲 / ごほう : n 1)noon gun

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