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反論 / はんろん : n vs 1)objection 2)refutation 3)rebuttal P
反応 / はんおう / はんのう : n vs 1)reaction 2)response P
反閇 / へんばい : n 1 1)ceremony performed by a sorcerer to protect a noble setting out on a trip 2 2)dance steps inspired by this ceremony
反独 / はんどく : n 1)anti-German
反発 / はんぱつ : n vs 1 1)opposition 2)rebellion 3)revolt 4)resistance 5)backlash 6)refusal 2 7)rebounding 8)recoiling 9)repulsion 3 10)rally (e.g. in stock prices) 11)recovery P
反魂 / はんごん : n 1)reviving the dead 2)calling back the spirits of the dead
反目 / はんもく : n vs 1)enmity 2)antagonism 3)hostility
反省 / はんせい : n vs 1)reflection 2)reconsideration 3)introspection 4)meditation 5)contemplation P

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