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受付 / うけつけ : n 1 1)reception (desk) 2)information desk n vs 2 3)receipt 4)acceptance P
受洗 / じゅせん : n vs 1)being baptized 2)undergoing baptism
受刑 / じゅけい : n vs 1)punishment P
受入 / うけいれ : n 1)accept 2)acceptance 3)accessioning
受像 / じゅぞう : n vs 1)(television) reception P
受取 / うけとり : n 1)receipt P
受口 / うけくち / うけぐち : n 1)mouth with a protruding lower lip and jaw n 1 2)mouth with a protruding lower lip and jaw 2 3)socket 4)receiving window 5)slot
受嘱 / じゅしょく : n vs 1)being entrusted with 2)being delegated with

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