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大学教授 / だいがくきょうじゅ : n 1)university (college) professor
大学教育 / だいがくきょういく : n 1)university education 2)college education (training)
大学院生 / だいがくいんせい : 1)graduate student 2)postgraduate student
大学 / だいがく : n 1 1)post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc. 2 abbr 2)former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for th... 3 3)the Great Learning - one of the Four Books P
大学院 / だいがくいん : 1)graduate school 2)postgraduate school
大学予科 / だいがくよか : n 1)preparatory course for college
大学入試 / だいがくにゅうし : n 1)university entrance examination
大学進学 / だいがくしんがく : n 1)continuing one's education into university P

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