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工夫 / くふう / こうふ : n vs 1 1)scheme 2)device 3)scheming 4)devising 5)figuring out 6)coming up with 7)solving ingeniously 2 8)dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation) P n 9)(sens) labourer 10)laborer 11)blue-collar worker
工員 / こういん : n 1)factory worker P
工事 / こうじ : n vs 1)construction work 2)construction 3)work (related to construction, e.g. painting, concrete-pouring, etc.) P
工期 / こうき : n 1)building time 2)construction period
工数 / こうすう : n 1)production costs 2)production requirements
工人 / こうじん : n 1)workman 2)craftsman 3)laborer 4)labourer 5)artisan
工作 / こうさく : n vs 1)work 2)construction 3)handicraft 4)maneuvering 5)manoeuvering P
工手 / こうしゅ : n 1)person engaged in public engineering works

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