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幕末 / ばくまつ : n 1)closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate 2)end of Edo era P
幕開 / まくあき : io n 1 1)the rise of the curtain 2)opening (of play) 2 3)beginning (e.g. of an era) 4)opening (festival, event, etc.)
幕内 / まくうち : n 1)(sumo) highest-ranking division P
/ まく : n 1 1)curtain 2)bunting n 2 3)act (in play) P
幕吏 / ばくり : n 1)shogunate official
幕営 / ばくえい : n vs 1)camp 2)camping
幕尻 / まくじり : n 1)(sumo) lowest ranked wrestler in makuuchi division
幕屋 / まくや : n 1 1)tent 2 2)tabernacle 3 3)small curtain-enclosed area (off a stage) 4 4)Makuya (Original Gospel Movement of Japan)

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