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構築 / こうちく : n vs 1)construction 2)architecture (systems, agreement, etc) P
構体 / こうたい : n 1)body structure
/ かじ / かまえ : n uk 1)paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) n 2)kanji enclosure type radical (must enclose at least two sides of the kanji)
構造 / こうぞう : n 1)structure 2)construction P
構う / かまう : v5u 1 1)to mind 2)to care about 3)to be concerned about 2 4)to care for 5)to look after 3 6)to prepare for 4 7)to interfere with 8)to meddle in 5 9)to tease P
構え / かまえ : n 1)posture (e.g. in martial arts) 2)pose 3)style 4)stance
構苺 / かじいちご : n uk 1)Rubus trifidus (species of raspberry)
構築的 / こうちくてき : 1)architectural (an)

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