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法人 / ほうじん : n 1)corporate body 2)corporation 3)(legal) person 4)(juridical) person P
法人税 / ほうじんぜい : n 1)corporation tax
法域 / ほういき : n 1)jurisdiction
法名 / ほうみょう : n 1 1)(Buddh) Buddhist name 2)priest's name (on entering the priesthood) 2 3)(Buddh) posthumous Buddhist name
法体 / ほうたい / ほったい : n 1 1)(Buddh) clerical appearance 2)appearance of a priest 2 3)teachings of Buddha 4)condition of the universe at creation 5)in the pure land teachings, the name of Amitabha, or prayers to Amitabha 6)investiture of a Buddhist priest
法博 / ほうはく : n 1)Doctor of Laws 2)LLD
法務 / ほうむ : n 1 1)judicial affairs 2 2)clerical duty (in a temple) P
法力 / ほうりき : n 1)power of Buddhism

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