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煮出し汁 / にだしじる : n 1)(soup) stock 2)broth
煮出汁 / にだしじる : io n 1)(soup) stock 2)broth
煮出す / にだす : v5s vt 1)to extract essence by boiling 2)to extract flavor 3)to decoct
煮返し酢 / にかえしず : n 1)(food) vinegar simmered with a little bit of salt
煮浸し / にびたし : n 1)type of stew, usu. fish or vegetables in a mild broth 2)fish grilled unseasoned and then simmered slowly in soy and mirin broth
煮しめ / にしめ : n 1)vegetables such as taros, carrots, konnyaku, etc. cooked almost to dryness in so...
煮汁 / にじる : n 1)broth
煮干し / にぼし : n 1)(small crunchy) dried sardines

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