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立候補者 / りっこうほしゃ : n 1)candidate (for)
立候補 / りっこうほ : n vs 1)announcing candidacy 2)becoming a candidate P
立て役者 / たてやくしゃ : n 1)leading actor 2)person who acts as driving force behind something 3)key figure 4)leading spirit 5)central figure
立役者 / たてやくしゃ : n 1)leading actor 2)person who acts as driving force behind something 3)key figure 4)leading spirit 5)central figure
立て / たて / だて : pref 1 1)central 2)main 3)head 4)chief suf 2 uk 5)just (done) 6)freshly (baked) 7)indicates activity only just occurred 3 8)(ctr) counter for consecutive losses suf 1 9)particularly 10)especially 2 11)indicates the number of horses or oxen drawing a carriage 12)indicates the number of oars on a boat 3 13)indicates the number of movies, plays, etc. comprising a single program 14)indicates the number of items or methods used
立合う / たちあう : v5u vi 1)to be matched against (in a sports contest)
立呑屋 / たちのみや : n 1)drinking establishment where one drinks while standing
立命 / りつめい : n 1)peace of mind

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