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繋がり / つながり : n uk 1)connection 2)link 3)relationship P
繋がる / つながる : v5r vi uk 1)to be tied together 2)to be connected to 3)to be related to P
繋争 / けいそう : n adj-no 1)contention 2)dispute 3)conflict 4)controversy
繋縛 / けいばく : n vs 1)constraint 2)restraint
繋累 / けいるい : n vs 1 1)dependents 2)family members that one has to support 2 3)encumbrances 4)things that tie one down
繋辞 / けいじ : n 1)(ling) copula
繋留 / けいりゅう : n vs 1)mooring 2)anchorage
繋属 / けいぞく : n vs 1 1)relationship 2)connection 3)affiliation 2 4)pending (e.g. legal case) 5)pendency

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