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見る / みる : v1 vt 1 1)to see 2)to look 3)to watch 4)to view 5)to observe 2 6)to look over 7)to look on 8)to assess 9)to examine 10)to judge 3 uk 11)to look after 12)to keep an eye on 13)to take care of 4 14)to view (e.g. flowers, movie) 5 uk 15)to try 16)to try out 6 uk 17)to see that... 18)to find that... P
見世 / みせ : n 1)store 2)shop 3)establishment
見る目 / みるめ : n 1)a discerning eye
見れる / みれる : v1 col 1)to be able to see
見場 / みば : n 1)appearance
見事 / みごと : adj-na 1 1)splendid 2)magnificent 3)beautiful 4)admirable n 2 5)praiseworthy act 6)feat 7)commendable deed adj-na 3 8)utter (esp. defeat) 9)total 10)complete P
見仏 / けんぶつ : n 1)(Buddh) seeing Buddha
見付 / みつけ : n 1 1)approach (to a castle gate) 2 2)front of a structural member

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