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責任がある / せきにんがある : 1)responsible 2)liable
責任を取る / せきにんをとる : exp v5r 1)to take responsibility for
責任をとる / せきにんをとる : exp v5r 1)to take responsibility for
責任保険 / せきにんほけん : n 1)liability insurance
責任分担 / せきにんぶんたん : n 1)sharing of responsibilities
責任問題 / せきにんもんだい : n 1)a question (an issue) of where responsibility (liability) lies 2)a question of who is responsible (to blame)
責任回避 / せきにんかいひ : n vs 1)avoidance of responsibility 2)shirking (one's) responsibility
責任感 / せきにんかん : n 1)sense of responsibility P

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