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門戸を開く / もんこをひらく : exp v5k 1)to (metaphorically) open the door (to)
門を叩く / もんをたたく : exp v5k 1 1)to knock at the gate 2 2)to request an apprenticeship 3)to ask to be made a pupil
門戸開放 / もんこかいほう : n adj-no 1)open door policy
門戸を張る / もんこをはる : exp v5r 1)to keep a fine house 2)to put up a front 3)to make the front of the house nice (and be pretentious about it)
門戸を閉ざす / もんこをとざす : exp v5s 1)to exclude 2)to close the door to
門戸 / もんこ : n 1)door P
門をたたく / もんをたたく : exp v5k 1 1)to knock at the gate 2 2)to request an apprenticeship 3)to ask to be made a pupil
門付け / かどつけ / かどづけ : n vs 1)door-to-door entertainment 2)door-to-door entertainer 3)strolling musician 4)street musician

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