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防ぐ / ふせぐ : v5g vt 1)to defend (against) 2)to protect 3)to prevent P
防暑 / ぼうしょ : n 1)protection against heat
防振 / ぼうしん : 1)vibration-free 2)vibration-proof
防戦 / ぼうせん : n vs 1)defensive fight (battle) P
防御 / ぼうぎょ : n vs adj-no 1)defense 2)defence 3)safeguard 4)protection P
防弾 / ぼうだん : n adj-no 1)bulletproof 2)bombproof P
防已 / つづらふじ : n 1 uk 1)Chinese moonseed (Sinomenium acutum) 2 2)complex inter-relationship (as in the struggle between two types of vine over on...
防寒 / ぼうかん : n 1)protection against cold

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