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静岡 / しずおか : n 1)Shizuoka (city)
静粛 / せいしゅく : adj-na n 1)silent P
静置 / せいち : n 1 1)standing vs 2 2)to stand 3)to leave (e.g. for curd to form, fermentation to occur, etc.)
静坐 / せいざ : n vs 1)sitting calmly and quietly (i.e. in order to meditate)
静穏 / せいおん : adj-na n 1)serene 2)tranquility 3)tranquillity
静的 / せいてき : 1)static 2)statically (an)
静物 / せいぶつ : n adj-no 1)still life 2)object at rest P
静注 / じょうちゅう : 1)intravenous injection 2)i.v. (vs)

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