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鳥獣 / ちょうじゅう : n 1)birds and wild animals 2)wildlife P
鳥鍋 / とりなべ : n 1)chicken cooked in a shallow pan with vegetables
鳥類 / ちょうるい : n adj-no 1)birds P
鳥目 / ちょうもく / とりめ : n 1)cash 2)money 3)zeni coin n adj-no 4)night-blindness
鳥銃 / ちょうじゅう : n 1)fowling gun
鳥追 / とりおい : n 1 1)driving off birds 2 2)procession held at the New Year to chase away the birds for the year, with child... 3 3)female street musician who wore a braided hat and carried a shamisen 4 4)street entertainer who appeared on New Year's eve and performed with a fan
鳥人 / ちょうじん : n 1)aviator 2)flying ace 3)birdman
鳥偏 / とりへん : n 1)kanji "bird" radical

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