>>POP辞書.com PC版
蟋蟀 / きりぎりす / こおろぎ : n 1 uk 1)Japanese katydid (Gampsocleis buergeri) 2 2)katydid 3)bush-cricket (Tettigoniidae) 4)long-horned grasshopper 3 arch 5)cricket n 1 uk 6)cricket (Gryllidae spp.) 2 arch 7)any insect that chirps in autumn
蝿取紙 / はえとりがみ : n 1)flypaper
蟹虫 / かにむし : n uk 1)pseudoscorpion (any arachnid of order Pseudoscorpionida) 2)false scorpion
蟹蜘蛛 / かにぐも : n uk 1)crab spider (any spider of family Thomisidae)
蟹食犬 / かにくいいぬ : n uk 1)crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) 2)forest fox 3)wood fox 4)common fox
蟹食猿 / かにくいざる : n 1)crab-eating macaque
蟹飯 / かにめし : n uk 1)crab meat and rice
/ あり : n 1)ant P

