>>POP.com PC
/ ΂ : gikun n uk 1jtobacco (por: tabaco) 2jcigarettes
/ ܂ : n 1 1jlegume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.) 2jbeans 3jpeas 2 4jsoya bean (soybean) 5jsoy (Glycine max) 3 col 6jfemale genitalia (esp. the clitoris) 4 col 7j(food) kidney 5 8j(n-pref) miniature 9jtiny 6 10jchild n col 11jblister 12jcorn
/ ܂߂ : n 1jFabaceae 2jpea family of plants
e / Â : n 1jninth month in the lunar calendar
e / ܂ : n 1jpillow stuffed with chrysanthemum petals (allegedly good for headaches)
e / ڂ : n uk 1jscorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica) 2jSpanish salsify 3jviper's grass
e / ΂ : n 1jchrysantemum field
e / : n 1jammonite (traditional name)

