>>POP辞書.com PC版
髣髴 / ほうふつ : n vs adj-t 1)close resemblance 2)vivid reminder (e.g. of the past)
高速伝送 / こうそくてんそう : n 1)(comp) high speed transmission
髪置 / かみおき : io n 1)ceremony of allowing the hair to grow at age three
髪置き / かみおき : n 1)ceremony of allowing the hair to grow at age three
髪頭 / かみかしら / かみがしら : n 1 1)hair on one's head 2 2)head 3)top of one's head 3 4)kanji "hair" radical at top
髪飾り / かみかざり : n 1)hair ornaments
/ ひげ : n 1 1)moustache 2)beard 3)whiskers 2 4)extremely short pulse appearing on an electrical signal P
髭剃り / ひげそり : n 1)shaving 2)shaver

